HIVIZ Pro Staff
Johnny Meitzen / Sporting Clays Pro Staff
Johnny Meitzen is very accomplished Sporting Clays Shooter. He is also a Level III Sporting Clay's instructor. Johnny incorporates HiViz shooting products into his shooting lessons. Besides being a fierce clay competitor he is also a great guy with too many wins to list. If you're ever out on the course and see this guy and watch him for a minute, you just might learn a thing or two.
- 2005 Texas State Team
- 2004 State Shoot FITASC Vet Champion
- 2004 State Shoot .410 Gauge Vet Champion
- 2004 Zone 6 Shoot Prelim Vet Champion
- 2004 Zone 6 Main Vet 3rd
- 2 Time NSCA Nationals Sporting Clay Veterans Champion
- 2 Time NSCA Nationals Sporting Clay Veterans HOA Fitasc